Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
The Lost Sister

The Lost Sister

The Lost Sister is a 12 week group project completed by 10 students at Escape Studios. It is a detailed playable space based loosely on concepts from Assassins Creed: Origins.

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A new tomb has been discovered by a team of archaeologists, despite the warnings of Anubis, the team open the sarcophagus of the former princess, the lost sister of Tutankhamun. Once the seal was broken, her ancient curse was once again free from its cage, letting the princess's spirit out into the world.

The team of archaeologists have yet to be found...

This project was a collaborative effort between 10 3rd year students at Escape Studios. We had 12 weeks to produce this work and our goal was to create a small environment rich in detail. We based a lot of the themes for this environment on Assassin's Creed: Origins, mainly the juxtaposition of ancient and modern props and set pieces.

Our team put a lot of work into this project and are very proud of what we were able to achieve. Focusing on a small space we were able to achieve a high level of quality across the board for our environment, props, materials and lighting and dial down on the atmosphere and visual storytelling that we set out to achieve.

Thank you for taking the time to look at our project! Please feel free to give it a high five and have a look at our portfolios below.

Meet the Team:
Tommy Hallam - Art Director, Environment Artist
Joshua Kiddie - Producer, Material Artist, Lighting Artist
Laura Bossman - Props Artist
Jordan Gallimore - Props Artist
Oscar Brittain - Props Artist
Vuk Zrnic - Props Artist
Paulo Lopes - Props Artist
Caitlin Gingell - Props Artist
Samantha Milnes - Environment Artist
Connor Leon - Environment Artist

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