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3D Props and Environment Projects

3D Props and Environment Projects

Giada Murgia
by giadamurgia on 23 May 2021 for Rookie Awards 2021

Here are some of my best personal projects I have been working on since the second half of 2020, focusing on environment and props models. I tried to create both stylized and realistic models too.

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Cafe Courtyard

Inspired by the beautiful concept “Cafe Courtyard” by Kristy Kay ( I recreated this city in 3D, starting from blocking the main shapes of the houses and then adding all the details. I used 3D Maya for the modeling part, Substance Painter, Substance Designer and Photoshop for texturing and Vray for rendering. 


This was a school project where I had to create a plane for a videogame with the style I wanted. Starting from some references, I made a sketch of the plane, then I modeled it in Maya and I textured it in Substance Painter. The render was made with Vray.

Luna Dark

This was a school project made in almost 5 months for the Animation course. I had to create a 3D animated loop of my choice, so I designed and modeled a “Luna Dark” (a luna park with a Dark-Halloween theme). The softwares I used are Maya, Substance Painter, Substance Designer and Vray.

The project has not finished yet, in fact there is just one frame and not the entire animation because I’m still working on it, since the animation course has not terminated yet.

These are the initial sketches of the rides.

Interior Kitchen

In this personal project I focused on modeling and on following the 2D concept by Milena Vasyukova “Interior Kitchen” ( 

This was the first time I tried to recreate a 2D concept made by someone else in a 3D image.

Ancient Clock

This is a little asset I made in about 8 hours, starting from some references found on internet. Modeled with Maya, textured with Photoshop and Substance Painter, rendered with Arnold.


This is a quick 2-days project I modeled for The Rookies Weekly Drill “Books”. The textures are from

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