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Adventure of Ideas

Adventure of Ideas

by chanjoweng on 19 May 2021 for Rookie Awards 2021

Hi there, I'm Jo! I am always interested in the creative industries and am fascinated by how people are able to bring their ideas and imaginations to life. These are the work that I did during my year studying at The One Academy. Thanks for checking me out!

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Here are some environment paintings that I did during my time studying at The One Academy. While working on these paintings, I faced some challenges along the way, but they turn out pretty well with the guidance from my lecturers.


This is a project that I worked on during my final year at The One Academy called Wander. The project is about a traveling witch doctor who ventures across the desert to assist and aid villages.



In a time where gods and technology exist and prosper together, the gods that live within giant steel bodies coexist with humans peacefully, until an unknown force strives to ruin that peace to bring back the Ancient Times

This is one of my final group projects that I participated in during my time at The One Academy.

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