Environment Demo Reel 2020 / 2021

Environment Demo Reel 2020 / 2021

Frydman Mathias
by MathiasFry on 19 May 2021 for Rookie Awards 2021

Hi there, These are the most interesting works I have produced since my last participation in the Rookies Award 2020 content last year. Utilizing Unreal, Maya, Zbrush, Substance Painter/Designer, SpeedTree Marmoset Toolbag and Quixel when necessary . Hope you'll enjoy it

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Environment Demo Reel 2020 / 2021 - Environment, lighting & Unreal Engine study 

The lost forest - Environment and lighting study

This first project was a scene I made with the help of Quixel assets inside of Unreal Engine.

I modeled the terrain and I realized the level design, the lighting and the general atmosphere of the scene.

I used tesselation for the terrain and use Persona inside of Unreal Engine to be more comfortable with the animation system inside Unreal. 

The cold mountain - Level Design, environment and lighting study for the Artstation & Unreal Engine Contest 

I made this scene in one week for the Artstation & Unreal Engine 4 contest !

This is a scene i made in Unreal Engine 4 with the help of Quixel Megascan and Brushify.

My goal for this project was to become more comfortable creating a scene in Unreal engine and using Niagara for the Vfx.

I did all the composition, the lighting, the blueprint and the visual effects.

                                                  AREA 51 

I did this project to improve my skills in 3D modeling, and i wanted to learn the blueprint and Niagara inside of Unreal Engine 4.

I did all the modeling, texturing, integration, optimization, level design and lighting.

I also wanted to learn how to create shaders in Unreal Engine 4 and an introduction to VFX in Niagara.

Here are the details of some of the mesh present in the scene

Atlas map for most of the asset in the scene

We are finally at the end of this presentation. A huge thank you to those who took the time to see my work. A huge thank you to those who will leave me a feedback, a comment or an appreciation.

Let's continue to be creative, and let's give life to our wildest ideas.

A huge thank you

see you next time ;-)  

                                           More on : https://www.artstation.com/mathf 

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