Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Handpainted/PBR Character Creation

Handpainted/PBR Character Creation

Nicolas Sohn
by knecksewn on 12 May 2021 for Rookie Awards 2021

These are four of my most recent characters from the past few months. I've recently graduated from ASU and been trying to get into the game development scene ever since. I focus on creating realtime characters for the 3D game pipeline. Hope you like them!

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Ice Knight Character Creation

A handpainted character I created based off an existing concept art. For these projects, I tried to create a cel shaded effect similar to the style of Genshin Impact. I had a lot of fun making these characters and it was a fun change of pace focusing on painting smaller details rather than sculpt/model them.

Cat Girl Character Creation

Another handpainted character made in the Genshin Impact artstyle. Love working with these anime style 2D concepts and turning them into 3D characters.

Warrior Character Creation

A warrior character that I concepted, sculpted, modeled, textured, rigged, posed and rendered. This was made as an end of the year project to push my skills in December-January. Also my first try at hair cards (learned a lot!).

Gumiho (ArtWar 5) Character Creation

Made for Art War 5; World War. I chose Korea as my country and created a Gumiho, a korean 9-tailed fox known as a trickster and an evil being. This entry went on to become a finalist in the contest.

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