Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Medieval Tavern

Medieval Tavern

Graham Taylor
by heyitsroamer on 10 May 2021 for Rookie Awards 2021

I was challenged in one of my classes in college to build out an entire level in Unreal from scratch using some the skills we were taught in the previous semester!

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Everything in the project was modelled in Maya, many assets were also given sculpt pass on top in order to bring in some nicer detail and edge wear, baked and textured in Substance Painter, then were all brought into Unreal to be put together.

I also created unique base materials in Substance Designer to give a semi-stylized look to my assets. I combined these base materials with the bakes of my Zbrush sculpts in order to add more detail to the model without having to spend as much time sculpting in things like individual wood cracks. In Unreal I experimented with Distance Field Shadows and Screen Space Global Illumination to have softer lighting, Parallax Occlusion Mapping to add more depth to things like the stone tiles on the path, and Runtime Virtual Texture Blending to blend assets together such as the path mesh with the landscape, and wooden plank extrusions with the upstairs floor!


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