Rookie Awards 2024 - Closing Now!

Rookie Awards 2020

The 10th Annual Rookie Awards is open to young creatives in visual effects, animation, games, virtual reality, motion graphics and 3d visualisation. There is simply no better way to launch your career and start sharing your amazing work online.

Rookie Awards 2020
Round of applause for our sponsors
Scott Mitchell

Scott Mitchell

Animation Direction Coach & Technical Animator

Scott has been in the animation industry for 14 years. He got his start in classical animation working contracts for various commercial and television clients such as Disney, Spumco, and Kelloggs. He made the jump into 3D and the gaming world at Ubisoft Montreal in 2004 working on multiple titles such as “Splinter Cell Chaos Theory”, Prince of Persia The Two Thrones, and Assassin’s Creed II”, before directing on a project encompassing another one of his passions, “Shaun White Snowboarding”.

A few years later a new opportunity led him to Bioware (Edmonton Canada), to a Lead Animator position on the critically acclaimed “Mass Effect 3”, before re-joining the team at Ubisoft Montreal to direct on direct on Far Cry 4, and now Rainbow Six Siege.