Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
Jonathan Ridell
Jonathan Ridell

Jonathan Ridell


Media is omnipresent, and we as humans consume it daily, it's important to stand out in the crowd. To be unique.

From an early age, 3D and computer graphics have been a captivating and intriguing factor in my life. From a humble beginning in designing 3d-levels for an old Star Wars game, my journey has progressively been involved in various conceptual and design works. Moving from upper secondary school to architecture school, the decision to do a deep dive into architectural visualization became a natural step in the creative process of shaping a professional career in visualizing the unbuilt.

Learning: YRGO

Skills: 3DS Max Adobe Photoshop Corona Renderer Forest Pack Quixel Megascan Railclone Sketchup Vray

Expertise: Architectural Visualisation

  • Skipped Debut TBD
  • Skipped Player N/A
  • Leveled up to Contender May 28, 2021
  • Leveled up to Rookie TBD
  • Pro TBD

Current Education

Class of 2022

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