Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
  Play by Play


by Mo1zart on 7 Feb 2022

In this project I will create a concept by Sheng Lam in 3d.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Update - 5 Jan 2023

11 Last words?

Atm I am rendering the stuff in Stager. Before I post the end result I will ask Sheng Lam for the permission bc it is his concept and I don't want to mess with him o7. Check him out here, his stuff is awesome!

If everything goes well I will end this blog and make a new project for the final renderings.

I had a lot of fun to work on this prob.
I wanted to make something I can handle while I work in fulltime (still it took me longer then expected).
 Also I wanted to work on a sci fi piece. Making a small prob doesn't mean it is faster then bigger object.

Sheng Lam's Tweeter is one in series of super cool looking and creative probs that gave me the opportunity to work close on a concept with a lot of details but also bring in my own interpretations.

I learned a lot about working in small scales and high resolution baking and texturing but with a middle poly model. The result would work as a hero prob for games.

So in the end I can say I reached my goals and I am happy with the result. Working in fulltime took a lot of time from me so that I am not happy how long I needed for everything. So for the next project I hope that I can work a bit faster.

And that's it! Ci ya' next time and as always stay angry^^


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Update - 5 Jan 2023

10 Textures

So I am done with the texturing part. I splitted the model in two texture sets to increase the resolution a bit more. I learned a lot about working with anchor points and instancing materials. Anchor points are really nice and helpful but the combination with instanced materials and anchors doesn't work... at least I didn't found a way.

After I was done I asked for critiques. The answer was that I should make the bevels a bit more smooth to avoid a low poly look. So I reworked the model and the bake and now its done.

LEFT is OLD bevel RIGHT is NEW bevel

This is the end result in Painter. So no light and set dress yet.

Update - 3 Jan 2023

09 something something

While the world made party hard I had the chance to work a little on my Tweeter for two days. NICE!

So what have I done? Well, quiet a lot a would say.

So first I updated the lowpoly and the highpoly models. For the lowpoly I had to fix some issues. For the highpoly I added more details to bake later. Also I finished the UV's. At last I renamed everything so that I can bake it proberly. That means same naming for every part with a _low or _high suffix.


So after I had the model ready for texturing I dropped it into Painter and baked it hard... well this was the plan at least^^. In reality I baked it, then I found some problems in the bake, then I switched back to blender to find the problem and retry.

Next step is to make the textures nice and then I have to think about rendering. Till then I will stay angry!


Update - 28 Jul 2022

08 Low I go

So I made a copy to clean the topology for the low model. Also I created the UV's. And I am totally fine with how it is!

... ok I may have to pay a little more attention to that. And yes of course with correct texel density.^^

Update - 25 Jul 2022

07 Blender Render

I worked a little more on the high models in general and add the decorational assets. I am more and more happy with the result so that I can go to next step (UV). It is late and I am tired. So I will go to bed now GoodNight and stay angry ALWAYS! ò_ó ...-.-...zZz

Update - 7 Jun 2022

06.1 High and dry

Still working on the highpoly. I remade some parts so that I can better increase the polycount to soften the edges with modifiers.

Then I remade the inner part of the model. That part is not visible in the original concept so I can decide for myself what to do with it. I think I will put a magnetic coil in it with a glass cover to show the retro design of an old morse code machine a bit more.

Also I worked on the other part of this two part model a little. I still dont know what the name is in english...

And thats all for today. ..............................................................ò_ó
Peace out 

Update - 16 May 2022

06 Highpoly

So after I got some nice critiques I decided to make a highpoly first and then break it down instead of starting with a low poly. So I spend some time to remesh and here it is.

Now, not much of a difference but it took me some time and after this is done yet I can make the lowpoly.
Most of the booleans are applied at this point. Now I have a lot of bevel modifiers on it.

So see you next month I guess^^ and stay angry!

Update - 30 Mar 2022

05 Detailing and Genshin

Here is a small update what I did the past days. 
On Artstation was a sale and I bought a Genshin Impact shader to get an idea for later shading.

ò ________________________________________________________________ ó

Update - 2 Mar 2022

04 modeling details & add the Repeater

I want to make the whole apperatus with a sender and a repeater. So I spend the last days to refine the Tweeter model and began with the "Retweeter?" Let's call it Retweeter.

Update - 16 Feb 2022

03 Greyboxing in colors

At this point I added some base materials for the feeling and set up a camera for the dev logs.

I am trying to work as non destructive as I can!

02 Blog it out

Nothing to say at this point 

Update - 7 Feb 2022

01 Press Start

As it is a long long tradition in blender I started with deleting the default cube, then I create a cube.

And that's it for this update. lol

After that I searched for some telegraph references an build a small Ref board.

Update - 7 Feb 2022

00 Starting a new project

It's been a while since my last project but here I go again! After the office room, I got my first job and so I have to create this new project in my free time. 

No problemo! ò_ó

 but this is why I will post updates maybe just once a week.

So, this pic above is what I want to create in 3D. It is from Sheng Lam. Check it out, it is awesome!

There are already some really cool versions of this out there but I will give my best to deliver! I choose this one bc I want to make some Prop Art and I want so make some sci fi stuff.