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I've always nurtured the idea since young, but took it seriously since i was 20. Let's GO !

I've always loved drawing and similar creative work, but i first went into environmental sciences. During that first year, i started drawing more and more and watching videos dissecting animations in excrutiating details. Once i had drained all of the 7-hour long videos TBSkyen had to offer, i came realize that i'd like to be on the other side of that passion and create animations that would warrant hours of interest.

I first realised I wanted to work in creative industries in high school. I always loved video games, animation films and creating some little stuffs. I showed interest in illustrations during high school and wanted to progress and also learn to do some animations.

I realized that I wanted to work in the creative industries when I was 15, saying to myself that I wanted to make people dream visually in the way that artists in the animated film and video game industry do.

From my childhood, after i discovered Zelda: Ocarina of Time on nintendo 64. Those days i have seen the potential of arts, emotions and story that can bear video games. And that is why i enter in creative industries, to create video games that can create satisfaction, feeling and experiences.

I realized I wanted to work in creative industries early, as I was creating multiple content with friends from the short film to the game environment for games communities.

I first realised that I wanted to work in creative industries after I made my BTEC in IT section. Working in video games was one of my childhood dreams. I letted that behind me when I growed up. But after my graduation of BTEC, I realised I wanted to work in my passion, letting the IT as a back-up plan.

I realised I wanted to work in this industries when I was 16

Since I was a child, I love drawing and I knew I wanted to work in the creative media. I discovered my passion for 3D during my studies and it was at the same time that I wanted to work in the video game industry.

I've always been into video games and film , I've drawn for as far as I can remember , But I've realised it when I was 17 when I needed to choose a school after high school . At that time I wasn't sure if I wanted to go in this industry but when I started my first week at school I realised that it was the good choice and that I've found my path , and now in 2020 I'm an intern character artist and I'm more happy than ever before .

One day a friend asked me to install League of Legends and this is where it starts. At the age of 16, I asked for a graphics tablet. At this moment I went from "being a mangaka" to "being an illustrator". I knew deep in my heart that I wanted to create characters that would talk to souls. This feeling is due to Lol's cinematics.

I always knew that I wanted to work in creative industries, even if during my young years I kind of forget the future sometimes... I always get back on this path, my destiny calls me!

J'ai réalisé que je voulais travailler dans le domaine créatif, suites au Brevet des collèges. Et influencé par des personnes de ma famille travaillant dans le milieu.

As far as I can remember I've always been drawing. After signing up to a municipal art school at 12 years old, I realized that I wanted to pursue and evolve in a creative path.

I always loved to play video games since I'm 8 years old (when I received my first Nintendo with my first Zelda game). and realised 3/ 4 years later that I wanted to work in the video game industry.

I have always loved drawing, but my passion for art grew thanks to numerous animated films, as well as the discovery of digital painting. Street art has also been a great source of inspiration for me.

when I was little I always enjoyed creating, whether it was drawings or clay sculptures. so it's been since then that I've wanted to turn my creativity into my work.

I always loved to create some stuff and play with my friends and family. And the first time I saw someone creating beautiful environment, vehicle, and story, I knew that was what I wanted to do in the future.

Ever since I was a child, I've wanted to create things, be they stories, objects, but above all images. That's why I learned digital painting and joined my Game Design school. To create beautiful games from concept art to final production.

I have always loved drawing, and I wanted to work in this industrie when I discovered animation in 2016

I first realised I wanted to work in creative industries when I was a young boy. I always enjoyed video games and science fiction / fantasy worlds so I wanted to one day create my own. That's why I joined the Game Creative Coding class of e-artsup, so I can one day create my own video games with the world that I imagined.

After my first year in Biologie class, I realise I wanted to do something more creative. In some way, I want to impress people. I want them to think they can do the same ! I always drew as a child, this passion followed me through the years. In my family, we all draw, going into an artschool was for me, of course, but also for my brother that always wanted to work in art.

I have always been passionate about my art, having drawn and written since a very young age. I've always wanted to bring the stories i write to life. I found that the 3d world enabled me to combine both of my favorite things into one. Being able to animate and modelise objects and characters and bring them to life. It's just amazing.

I realized that I wanted to work in the creative field at a very young age. I have always loved painting, video, drawing and graphic design in general.