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I realized that I wanted to work with creative media back in 2010 when I saw an article about "The Art of Dragon Age: Origins". The article displayed many images of early stages concept art and 3D art, I immediately fell in love with what happens behind the curtains. The creative process that goes into all aspects of art in the entertainment industry was what made me decide to pursue this as a career.

Since preparation animation school, 2022.

It was likely a longstanding dream since being a kiddo, but it was relegated to the backburners as I thought "art" couldn't make money. When I was 24 I spent half a year traveling around Mexico and did a lot of sketching people and places. Doing this I realized two things, first that I loved it, and second that I felt like I noticed some small improvements. I thought to myself, if I can get better at this, then maybe I can get good enough to be a professional. So I set out to give it a shot.

It wasn't a lighbulb moment like it may have been for others, I kind of just fell into it when I had to do a small project on our future career and chose animation. I did some research, and found out that I really liked it and wanted to work in this industry.

Just after the contest to enter the Medecine University in France, I realized that what I wanted the most in my life to be happy was to find a way to draw and tell stories until the end.

In high school, after my parents brought me to see Cronenberg's the fly, I left the theater with a trhilling sensation in me : I was moved, shocked and dazed. I realized how powerful the medium could be, and I wanted to touch people the way these stories touched me before. However, I focused myself on animation, as this artform is boundless : no phisiciality, the mind is the limit. if you can draw it, you can make it.