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by Rahamzy on 14 May 2024

This is a follow-up to my Museum of Emotions, whereby the bottom floor was redesigned as a therapy space for refugees and asylum seekers. This was a response to a project for my course.

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The space is designed as a safe space for displaced individuals, refugees and asylum seekers. 

The goal is to provide a safe haven for refugees and asylum seekers in the UK who have suffered great tragedies and lost loved ones. The building is a space for users to grieve in their own way, without the fear and anxiety of the reality that caused their grief. The materials used in the space are influenced by the competition project, and the building consists of connected hallways on two floors with pods scattered throughout. The space is designed to be a journey for users, with the final destination being acceptance and relief. The pods serve as resting points for users during this journey, as grief cannot be overcome all at once. Various support systems are featured on posters within the pods. Users are encouraged to write letters to their loved ones on the walls and pods in any language and using any medium that feels comfortable. The journey culminates in a balcony on the top level, symbolising the end of the journey.

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