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La Nuit Européenne des Musées

La Nuit Européenne des Musées

by mariannef on 5 May 2024

The project revolves around a cultural event commissioned and organized by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication. It is the European Museum Night, and 2024 will be the twentieth year of operation of this event. The brief for this project was to design the promotional poster.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

I decided to use three photographs that differed in form and rendering

The three images can evoke different types of art

let several visuals shine through to diversify the ensemble

On the right, a smooth, oil-paint-like rendering. The image in the center recalls the photographic grain of silver cameras, or the charcoal technique. Finally, the image on the left is reminiscent of digital art and mapping.

Each museum has its own specificities 

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