Steampunk Mage Scientist House

Steampunk Mage Scientist House

Lee Sing Yeng
by leexy on 1 May 2024

This is a collaborative group project with my game development classmates, where the original concept was brainstormed collectively by all of us.

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Full view in Unreal Engine: 

This is a group project I did together with my game dev classmates. Our original concept involves a steampunk magic scientist. We intend to create hand-painted stylized textures for this character. The model is created in Maya, textured in Substance Painter/Substance Designer, and then imported into Unreal Engine for rendering.

Close up to the part I did:

Substance Designer : 

I use Subtance Designer for creating the slate roof pattern for the roof texture and import them into Subtance Painter as normals, height and AO.

Thank you for watching :) 

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