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Forest´s Embrace

Forest´s Embrace

Beatriz Lobo Mata
by blobo on 21 Mar 2024

Forest´s Embrace, environment heavily inspired by the incredible work of Filip Hodas, "The Apocalypse of Pop Culture

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I'm thrilled to share this project. It's the final assignment I have to deliver in my master's program at Lightbox Academy. Knowing it would be the last, I set out to tackle one of the biggest challenges I could imagine: an environment teeming with plants, branches, and rocks, embracing amidst the foliage, an abandoned car. Specifically, a Beetle. It's heavily inspired by the incredible work of Filip Hodas, "The Apocalypse of Pop Culture".

I started by creating the Beetle with clean textures, then transforming it into a wrecked vehicle, with peeling paint, rusted metal, broken glass...

I used Zbrush to create the trees and rocks, then assembled everything in Maya, adding details like leaves, weeds, and vines.

As mentioned, this project has been my greatest challenge to date, and I'm excited to showcase the final result. Here you can see some details.

I want to express my deep gratitude to my teacher and classmates for all the support I received during this journey. It's been an incredible experience, both professionally and personally, and I'm excited for what the future holds.

Thank you all for being part of this exciting journey <3

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