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Soul Fanart

Soul Fanart

Beatriz Lobo Mata
by AngelaMorenoDesign, alejandroqdp, and blobo on 5 Jan 2024

Soul Fanart by Students, Inspired by Pixar

29 943 3
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Excited to share our latest project at last! This one's a project created by three classmates: Beatriz Lobo, Alejandro Quintana, and Ángela Moreno.

Here you can see some of the images from the scene that we have selected.

To craft this scene, we kicked off with a quick task distribution and basic blocking, helping us understand object scales and individual modeling. We also implemented a naming convention to avoid future issues. Each of us modeled and textured our items within five days. The following weekend, we combined everything and dove into lighting. The next week refined lighting and layout, and the second weekend was all about rendering.

You can get a closer look at this creative process I was talking about here.

And these are some of the objects we modeled for the project.

Finally, the lighting. Everyone on the team is convinced that lighting is crucial for the final result, so we invested special time and care to get the best outcome.

Despite being a challenge for all, we thoroughly enjoyed the process and teamwork. Collaborating with passionate and dedicated individuals like my teammates made this project even more special. Without them, it wouldn't have been the same! 

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