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Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Shared Room

Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Shared Room

Samira Rijnen
by SamiraRijnen on 13 Nov 2023

This is the first interior design project I made for the Academy of Digital Arts. I first made a sketch on paper, and worked it out further in blender. It was a fun project, as I got to get into Sherlock's head!

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Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Shared Room

What would happen if Sherlock Holmes and John Watson were to share a room?

This is the first interior design project I made for the Academy of Digital Arts. I first made a sketch on paper, and worked it out further in blender. It was a fun project, as I got to get into Sherlock's head, imagening what a room would look like if Sherlock and John had to downsize their flat and live in the same room together. I knew Sherlock's side of the room had to be utter chaos, all while John tries very hard to keep his side neat and tidy.

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