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Stonemason's Workshop
  Play by Play

Stonemason's Workshop

by AxelRevidon on 2 Nov 2023

Hello Everyone, I present to you the final project of my first year at ESMA. We worked for around 5 months to make 2 still images on a craftsman's workshop. I chose a stonemason which restores historic monuments. I really enjoy working on all the aspects of the pre-production and the production. Hope you enjoy.

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Update - 2 Nov 2023

Here is the first image. First is the Raw Render from Renderman and then it's the final image with the compositing pass from NUKE.

Here is my second image, also with the raw render and the compositing pass.


I spent 4 months to set my images using traditional drawing methods. Here are some composition, lighting and color tests, technical drawings and stylization experiments :

Technical Drawings :

Stylization :

Thanks for watching !

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