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by JFX22 on 29 Jun 2023

There are no limits to the imagination | butic the new school by diferent.

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Based on the works of the RDMA architectural firm, located in Indonesia, and the work "the church of water" by architect Tadao Ando, this is how I began my career in architectural visualization, as a developing architect I have put into practice this previous knowledge by applying it in the design of a project within my academic training.
In my next project I chose to model and visualize the work of the great Japanese architect Tadao Ando. The challenge was to make a night scene with a dense fog.

"KAKTUS SPA" is the result of a project that took 3 months of academic development, "kaktus-spa" is the name I attributed to this building, which consists of integrating a building to a rural context, in this case the implementation of the use of materials and lighting were fundamental to obtain a more welcoming result without neglecting the aesthetics of the materials that are handled in my great state of Oaxaca, Mexico.

sketchUp, 3d max, v-ray.

thank you.

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