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Enrique's Horn

Enrique's Horn

Patricia Sendino
by Patriciasl on 26 Jun 2023

An interpretation of Chema Madoz's artistic photography. A gift for my husband.

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Enrique's horn

Enrique is my husband. He has been playing the horn since he was a little boy, he played in his town's municipal band, and when he finished performing he would go to the bars with his band mates and friends to celebrate the performance.

Professionally he is dedicated to water treatment, and he is almost as passionate about it as he is about music and beer, hence I represented a horn with the caps of the beer he normally consumes and a manometer, an essential element of any water installation, and taking as inspiration a photographic work by Chema Madoz.

Original | First Version | Sedond Version | Final Version


Chema Madoz is one of my favorite photographers. He takes 100% analog photographs, real objects that he places in a different context than usual.All his works are in black and white, but generally with a warm tonality. At first I made the project completely in black and white, to finally make it my own.

The most complicated part of this project was to represent the shadows and shines of the metal so that they were as similar as possible to the original work. In addition to trying to copy the bumps, scratches and wear of the model I had at home.


I had to represent these objects in a realistic way, since they could not be other, or similar (the beer had to be of the represented brand). So I had to model the objects, but also create the textures of the materials in the same way as they were printed in reality.

In both cases I had to look for the typography used to copy the original model.

Diffuse maps | Ilustrator Screenshots.

Screenshot of the generated material.

Screenshot of the lighting

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