Electric Rain | 2019

Electric Rain | 2019

Vittorio Bonapace
by vittoriobonapace on 17 Mar 2021

Electric Rain | 2019 A moment, suspended in time. Feel the vibe in the rain. Get inspired by city night reflections. Moody, cinematic and a bit futuristic, this image aim to express lonely feelings in a cold rainy night and the desire of a warm safe place where find community energy again, after a solitary walking.

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Electric Rain | 2019

A moment, suspended in time. Feel the vibe in the rain. Get inspired by city night reflections.

Moody, cinematic and a bit futuristic, this image aim to express lonely feelings in a cold rainy night and the desire of a warm safe place where find community energy again, after a solitary walking.

The continuous relationship between what a city gives you and what a city takes from you.


Credits: Evermotion, Quixel, AXYZ Design
Image inspired by David Everly photographic iconography

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