The Flamingo Witch - 3D Art

The Flamingo Witch - 3D Art

Belén Amat
by belenamat on 30 Jan 2021

Project in which I had to create a render that ressembled as close as possible a concept art of our choice. I chose N. Kim's illustration specially because it had various elements that could make me test and improve my skills, including being able to get the mood of the concept.

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The idea was to create a render that ressembled as close as possible a chosen Concept Art. The concept art is by Nadia Kim, be sure to check her page and illustrations! ( ).
This is the result:

Process of the project. I first started with super simple geometries to be able to set up basic lighting and to match the camera angle. Then, I modeled a rough version of every object and started sculpting the necesssary parts. For texturing, I used Mari and did the lookdev in Maya.
It was a last decision to turn down the lights on the render to be able to have more control and freedom on comp in Photoshop.

I'm specially thankful to my supervisor, Renato, as well as my classmates and friends.

Any feedback is welcome!

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