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I started art classes as a toddler and grew up always wanting to do anything art and design based

Upon discovering video games at a very early age I was blown away by the effort that goes into their development and the possibilities of their final product: working as a team people could create interactive worlds and stories that rivalled even the greatest of novels or films. I immediately knew from that first interaction with video games that my biggest career aspiration was to get the chance to add my artwork to these games, and thus I've devoted my life to this goal.

I have wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry since I realised it was actually an option for me, rather than something you just dream about. I have always loved art and games and I am very excited to be part of the process.

I have wanted to go into a creative subject since I was young and first beginning to get into art at around 10 years old. I have always enjoyed the Games industry and am extremely grateful for the opportunities I have to work in this field. Now, I want to learn how to work in collaboration with other creative people with a range of ideas, and hone my skills as an artist.

Like many, I loved creating worlds of my own in my head as a child, this desire never left me and only grew and developed with honing my skills in 2D drawing, and later now delving into 3D assets and UI designs.

Since art became my hobby in my young teen years, illustrating quite nooby pencil artworks, I was always inspired by digital paintings and renowned illustrators such as Riot artists and Guweiz. Always gazing into the dynamic and colourful digital works of the industry, I only wanted to do the same and express my artistic style of painting and assisting the creative industries to completing their projects.

When I was in college/sixth form I started to take my art more seriously, I started branching out and learning to use different kinds of media. I was a realism and portrait artist. I started developing my own style and turning to digital media, with programmes such as Procreate and Photoshop.

After watching both the Matrix and Avatar for the first time I was encapsulated by the ability to bring stories not previously possible to the big screen, I began my journey into VFX while experimenting with 3D software during my own time at college. From there I introduced it gradually into my project developing my skills and leading to my choice to study VFX at a degree level.

When playing Guild Wars 2 for the first time I became curious about how games are made, from there I started studying traditional art and how I could intergrate that into the games industry. At first, this set my mind on becoming a Concept artist prior to studying at University, something that began to change, however, once I was exposed to other areas of the pipline such as 3D production. Subsequently becoming my chosen trajectory.

I realised I wanted to work in the games industry when I found that it was a real possibility. when looking for a college course on graphic design, I saw that my local college had a course in interactive media and games, which I went and signed up for straight away.

After playing Skyrim because i became obsessed with digital art afterward and took drawing more seriously.

I decided to go back into education at the tender age of 38 as I was not happy with the type of work I always ended up in. I went to college to obtain my UCAS points so I was eligible for university. Having studied games design while at college, I had a chance to try my hand at all the different disciplines. This is where I found my calling for 3D modelling, particularly asset production and environment art.

I've always had a love for video games since I was a child, like most people! But I didn't know it could be a career path until the end of secondary school and it felt like I had finally found my calling. I learnt all about Maya and self-taught myself the software to get into university. I graduated from university with a 2:1 degree and I'm continuing to improve my portfolio!

I knew I wanted to tell stories from a really young age. As I started playing games and watching movies I realised those are the stories I want to help create. Today I'm studying full time to reach that goal!

In 2021 I chose to enrol in an art collage and it made me fall in love with modelling. Most of my modelling skills where learnt at home through Blender when I went through a faze of making loads of VrChat clothing items. Now I spend my time modelling ball jointed dolls.

My passion lies in storytelling and cinema, and I relish the sense of accomplishment that comes from learning various skill sets in the moving image medium. I engage in art as a personal expression and a means to find my voice. But I also create my works with the hope of inspiring women, particularly those from the same background, to challenge their circumstances and make their mark in the world.

I have always loved drawing and when i was introduced to the world of gaming i knew that i wanted to be part of that industry.

During Art and Photography A-levels, I enjoyed experimenting and extending my work digitally. I love the research, storytelling and way I can incorporate my passion for photography into my Animation/VFX degree, whilst learning new skills and software. I want to widen my knowledge of visual effects. I'm particularly interested in compositing, and strive to continue making wacky stuff!

My first realisation of this career path came at around year 10 when I started to do some further research into the industry and it's many roles. As I was a heavily art-focused student I decided to pursue an art path and try and get to a professional concept artist level/ position, this is a goal I am still chasing as of today.

I started getting serious about working in the creative industry during my GCSE years, as we were choosing what specialism to study for A-Levels, and I couldn't imagine doing anything other than an art course. I've always had a passion for drawing, but animation was the route I wanted to go down and the specific pipeline included in that.