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I've always been interested in art and animation/games but was unsure of how to pursue it as a career. I enjoyed drawing landscapes and making game skins as a hobby, and 2 years ago I luckily had the time and resources to start studying with Think Tank Training Centre. I recently completed the Asset Creation program and have experience creating full scenes in both the film and games workflows

3D Artist with a military background, I bring a unique blend of skills and experiences to my craft. Dedicated with a passion for crafting immersive and visually captivating environments and props. Completed Diploma in Game design and development in an immersive studio-centered education that laid a strong foundation in environmental modelling, advanced texturing and lighting, game animation, rigging, level design, compositing and editing.

Well, all the time I've been interested in digital art but basically, before going to the university I realized that I really wanted to go through it. At university, I learned Digital design fundamentals and then I went to Vancouver Film Shcool, where I developed my skills in 3D.

It all started with Lego, the freedom to build and create entire worlds of wonder and imagination, a place for amazing stories to unfold! In my early 20's I discovered 3D modeling and considered chasing a career as an Environment Artist.

I first realised I wanted to work in the video game industry when I was about 7, I loved the games I was playing so I wanted to make it my job.

When I was introduced to Hollywood movies.

I realized i wanted to work in the creative media industry early in life. My dad used to play video games with me when I was younger and I knew at that moment that this would be a field where I would have so much fun working later on.

I realized I wanted to work in the creative media and enterainment industry when I begun shooting short movies with my little brother when I was around 12 years old. My passion for visual effects led me to use this moment to study in how to create them. It was then when I discovered the huge area I was heading into. After years of studying compositing on my own, I discovered the CG world, and that took me into a whole new experience. I completely fell in love with it and I've never looked back.

I seriously started to think about working with Games when I was in grade 9. During my whole life I’ve played video games and I would always have ideas for games. Now I realize that working with games was what I always wanted.

After watching numerous animated movies with friends, I realized I had a fascination and admiration for CG Animation, detail and style and I wanted to learn and know more.

My favorite videogames and movies made me get interested in wanting to work for the entertainment industry. Always enjoyed the art and the visuals to create 3D art.

I always loved making games. When I was a kid I made paper games for my brother, during high school drew maps and illustrations for DnD sessions, and later at university, I created the educational mobile game as my master thesis. Sci-fi and fantasy genre drives my curiosity.

I always loved animated movies , cartoons and video games. I was intrigued by the textures, the animation and how a character could express emotions and connect with people, so in high school I decided that I wanted to study animation

I grew up watching Sci-Fi movies such as Star Wars, my dream is to work in a studio doing productions that inspire future generations

When I first saw Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. I was so mesmerized on the effects and 3d assets that were shown, It literally blew my mind! From that day, I started to learn 3d software, it was a long journey until I actually got in a school that would mentor me to learn the skills in the Industry.

Ever since my childhood, I was always interested in watching animation films. When I went to a Pixar artwork exhibition in high school, I first time realize that building a 3D world is so complicated and fascinating. I want to make a beautiful scene and tell the story within my 3D skills.

Passionate about digital arts since I am 12. Currently looking for a job in the 3D industry. I mostly do characters since it's what inspire me the most, but I enjoy doing anything has long has I am creating something !

I was obsessed with video game concept art ever since I started playing video games. I found out about the concept art industry thanks to the internet and decided to pursue it as my career. Currently I am preparing myself so that I can become useful as a concept artist for game productions.

When I was 5, my family got a personal computer and that changed everything.. I would always be playing with mspaint and flash; drawing and making animation shorts of Pokémon or anime characters. Once in a while, I would create my own original characters and designs. During my early teenage years, I got really into competitive sports. My love for them inspired me to make my own games, specifically multiplayer, so I taught myself programming and have been making games mostly by myself since then.

I discovered my love for digital art when I was in grade 10 and started to learn Blender 2.7 and instantly loved it

I studied architecture and have worked professionally as an architectural designer. I am passionate about designing immersive, cinematic environments that still feel grounded in reality, crafting narratives through the use of environmental design. I currently work at Tangent Animation as a Surfacing Artist.

I've always loved creating art in school, but it was discouraging to hear family members always say it wouldn't amount to anything. It was when I was in my second year of university that I realized that I wasn't doing what I loved. I decided to pursue 3D art and since then I haven't turned back!

I've wanted to work in the gaming industry for years now, as I've always been interested in programming from a young age and of course loved gaming.

Intrigued by the world of multimedia from a young age, I've always wanted to remove barriers to my limits. Today, I want to pursue my life goals and create entertaining, accessible, and immersive experiences in each of my projects. It's for these reasons that I decided to continue my studies in multimedia. In the years to come, I hope to be able to guide and contribute to the creation of innovative games and understand in detail the factors that entertain humans through our screens.