Leaving the road
  Play by Play

Leaving the road

This is what could happened when your quantum ship leave the road.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Update - 12 Apr 2021

Second Gravity Sketch flora exploration:

Flora refine and selection in Blender Eevee:

Alien structure shape exploration in Adobe Medium:

Quick sketch for terrain layout, and first design test in Blender Eevee:

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Update - 29 Mar 2021

Starting this great exploration adventure.

I'm somehow as lost as our two protagonists, looking through the window, and trying to capture as much of what I see.

Base idea is to create a soft world, nothing as to seems dangerous at all, but I hope to give a sufficient believable biome to convey the envy to get out the ship and walk in.

I want to first focus on the environment, landscape, flora and a bit of architecture, maybe from a past civilisation here, even some inhabitant may still be hiding around.
If I had time, add a bit of fauna will be great too.
And if I'm really fast on it, add a kind of exploration quatum-ship/vehicle, and our two characters, but it's not a must have at this point.

Landscape and Flora researches

Gravity Skecth first flora explorations:

Trees exploration in blender with geometry nodes: