The Last Challenge
  Play by Play

The Last Challenge

Alan Guimont
by alang on 18 Jan 2021 for Rebelway FX Challenge

It's the final Challenge for our hero! My entry for the challenge. Magic and destruction will be the key FX.

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Update - 25 Jan 2021

Blizzard Universe inspired me a lot for this challenge. Shields, magics, grounds destruction... They used everything in their trailers.

The Hero:

- First, it's his shield. He used it during the screaming blast of the monsters and at the begin when the monster came out of the ground, some little rocks will crash on the shield. I take the reference on the shield of Starcraft trailer and the witcher trailer. They have really cool idea, for the energy and the broken part.

- Second, it's the blast from the hero. To be sure I'm coherent with the shield I take the reference from the same trailer than the shield. A really cool blast with many layer of FX.

- Third, the portal. I wanted to try to do this famous portal so I add it at the begin of the shot. Weta Digital did a really cool breakdown on it.

The Monster:

- The Screaming blast. I really struggle with the scream for finding a nice idea but after watching the trailer of "Godzilla vs Kong" I find the idea of a blast pretty cool. I don't wan't to do a bright blast like we see on the first image but more energetic, like we see on the second image with a pulse lighting energy.

- The eyes energy. Not the biggest fx but always cool to do and it adding details on the shot.

The Grounds Destruction:

I put this apart from the monster because it's the biggest fx on this challenge. It needs many layer of destruction, dust, smoke... So to have a cool result I needed a lot of reference to understand how it works. I never did a destruction like that before. I find the energy crack really cool too and coherent with the blast of the monster.

Link to the reference playlist I used :

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Update - 18 Jan 2021

After all these trials our hero finally arrives at the final. He is the last, but to be crowned champion he must pass the ultimate challenge. He enters into the portal that leads him to the planet Borealis, a deserted and hostile world. As soon as he arrives, the earth trembles and a huge creature comes out of the ground. Here it is! The ultimate challenge!