  Play by Play


Anthony Mirloup
by anthocrea17 on 22 Feb 2021 for Rebelway FX Challenge

Hi Everyone, i'm super exited to work on this super cool project launched by Rebelway's team. I will try to do my best and hope you guys you will like it my work in step by step. And good luck for my other colleagues which work on this same project. ;)

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Update - 22 Feb 2021

And Here the Final. Hope you will like it. Thanks you for my friend to give me advices, thank you to discord where i got some important informations to manage my scene etc..  I tried to do my best for this 2 month. It was super cool. Thanks again to Rebelway to give us this opportunity to push our skills.  I particurlarly appreciated that. Good luck for the winner ;) 

And never give up, is the force :) 

Comments (2)

Update - 21 Feb 2021

This is my Composite node, to render all  my effects. It's a screen capture from Nukex. 

This is my last part i did. So the next time i will compose all my parts to make it one shot. As you can see i composed my effects with Nukex. Added some glow, play with brightness to have an interesting lightings. At the end i will add some sounds and the logo Rookies to finish my entry for this Fx challenge. That will have been really interesting and a good challenge for me to make all this effects, rendering and compositing. I really appreciated all of this. It was so exciting, a good adventure for me. I hope you will like it. And i wish the best. I want to say a Big Thank you to the Team Rebelway to organise this challenge. And thank you The Rookies to allow us  to participate and trying to push ourself for the best.  Thank you for all. 

Update - 11 Feb 2021

Hi Everyone ! Update Here I tried to add some different effects. this contact sheets its what i've done to create this different effects. I have had to create some vellum to convert into particle and have this effect when cyborg attack the monster.  And i create some smoke for impact. 

Update - 1 Feb 2021

- I started by selected character's hands to have the rope like the reference in Doctor Strange. 

- Then i created a group  to add the selected points in vellum hair. why vellum hair ? Because the parameters in this sounds to be  interesting to have what i want. 

- So next i wrote some vex to say i wand my points have to be connected between them. between input 0 and input 1. 

- Next i created an expression to keep my points scatter. If i do this it's to keep the movement during the animation. The expression says keep my points (neighbour here) on input 0 and ptnum (my points in theory) and less to 2. To have this result.

Next i added some vellum constraint with "attach on object" and you have to specify "pin target". It's important to say what you want to attach. For this you have to create a group on your part. And don't forget to say if your object is primitive or point.  

And last picture is my result  of setup. I think to add some particles like the reference. 

Update - 18 Jan 2021

This is the render part 2 with CAM2.  I used Houdini for shield that i composed with NukeX. The lighting is made in Blender evee with version 2.82. The tree are made in Blender with addon "the grove" and exported in Houdini in abc. I didn't want the leaves, just only branches for it. I tried to make a reflective lighting in the trees, emissive by  the light's sand. The difficulted for this shot was to manage the different lights, find the source, the direction, and reflection on cyborg, trees, on floor etc.. But i think it's an interesting result at this step of the challenge. 

Update - 18 Jan 2021

This is the continuity from below. Hope you like it. I composite my pass with NukeX. I added some Glow on my particles, playing with brightness, added some motion blur and adjusted the colours to have something interesting visually. Always by respecting the reference i published below. Trying to have the same environment. That's what i was in my head when i created this. I wanted something like, magic with "whaouu effect" ^^ :) 

This is my render pass for my shield. At the end i mixed up all of them to give this result. 

Update - 9 Jan 2021

I did some test on these different effects. I combined with contact sheet in NukeX. I'm trying to have a good effect to match with my reference i published before. 

Update - 7 Jan 2021

Hi Guys this is my final result for this first shot. Obviously i will continu to post my progress hoping to finish this cool challenge.  Hope you will like it. I composited my passes with Nuke and i decided to added a little light on cyborg i wanted an interesting look for this shot. 

Update - 3 Jan 2021

update v002 with good size of particles this time Houdini particles. Simple pop grain, pop color, popnet. 

Update - 2 Jan 2021

Stil in improvement here. Try to match compo between Blender and Houdini Render pass. 

Update - 30 Dec 2020

Improvement here, the idea is the Monster go out trhough the sand. Obviously i have to reduce the size of my particles which sound like small ball for the moment. But its just my first test. 

The idea is to have my sand of this color. To imagine how my environment will be. 

Update - 29 Dec 2020

Some test with lighting to match with my reference. Blender EVEE 2.82

Update - 22 Dec 2020

On the right this is what i'm thinking for the picture on the left. I think it's the perfect match to do this. On my next work, i'll try to do this super cool effect. I'm seeing sparks, maybe vellum for sure, little particles, light effects, beautiful compositing with some blur. ;) 

Update - 22 Dec 2020

I'm going to use this Shield ref. Trying to make the same of course. Lot of work on this, like blur particle velocity, particles in, and out, double sphere lighting bright smooth etc.. That's the idea. 

Update - 22 Dec 2020

I want something Cool like this for my environment. Something scarying and beautiful in same time. 

These pictures going to help me for my environment lighting. I think it's important to think how your scene will look like.  And on these there, i would like something intriguing, mysterious and scarying. These lights bring out the ones I'm thinking about.