Lava VS Ice
  Play by Play

Lava VS Ice

by harshitafx on 18 Feb 2021 for Rebelway FX Challenge

Hi, I am Harshita and this is my first time participating a rookies contest. I am using Houdini for this challenge. Working on a heavy FX Shot is a different experience and I am excited to take part in it.

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Update - 12 Apr 2021

Final Entry

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Update - 12 Apr 2021

Update 8

Shot 2 Process

Update - 6 Apr 2021

Update 7

Shot 1 Process

Update - 6 Apr 2021

Update 6

Rendering And Compositing

For Rendering, I separated all the elements to reduce the render time and to get more control in compositing. The renders on an average took between 5 - 25 mins per frame depending on the element.

I have finished rendering Shot 1 and its in the Comp Stage. I am almost done with rendering Shot 2 and I will do the comp for it very soon.

When rendering the ground, I wasn't happy with the way it looked. So I decided to change its look and re-render. Since the render times were,in general, a lot, it was hard to complete Shot 3 and render everything on time.

Here are all the render passes I created for the ground

Comp Tree for Shot 1

Update - 18 Mar 2021

Update 5

In this update, I have finished most of the FX work of Shot 1 and Shot 2 except dust. I have started working on the lighting of shot 1 and the whole mood and look of the shot.

Shot 1

Shot 2

Update - 10 Mar 2021

Update 4

In this update, I started working on shot 2. I created an ice shield but it isn't enough to hold the lava monster. There's also a test render of frame 1 for setting the mood.

Update - 18 Feb 2021

Update - 3

In this Update, I worked on the look of lava and did a few tests. I also added more detail to the base RBD sim

Lava Look and render test

RBD secondary sim

Update - 8 Feb 2021

Update 2 -

In this update, I have completed the base RBD and will move ahead with the Upres. I have also done some lava test and modeled the Crystal Rock.

Update - 8 Feb 2021

Update 2 -

In this update, I have completed the base RBD and will move ahead with the Upres. I have also done some lava test and modeled the Crystal Rock.

Update - 19 Dec 2020

My concept for the Challenge is a classic, Lava VS Ice. I have always wanted to try these 2 elements together and found this challenge the perfect platform to do so.

WIP 01 - Previz and Mood Board