Christmas Kombi
  Play by Play

Christmas Kombi

I love texturing stuff so why not to participate in this challenge. I hope TheRookies makes more textures contests!

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Update - 10 Jan 2021

So, this is my final render for this contest and  whaat a journey! When I see my first idea and now see this one its make me feel proud about myself and my creativity. Thanks to TheRookies for make this awesome contests and good luck to everyone.

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Update - 20 Dec 2020

So, I make a big change to this project but I think the car look better with this idea. Im still have to improve a little bit the snow in the car and some other details

Update - 9 Dec 2020

Improving some details and adding more Christmas stuff

Update - 8 Dec 2020

I added texture to the wheels and still working in all the rust and old paint texture and looking forward to push a little bit the project

Update - 24 Nov 2020

So this is what I did on my first day of this project, I did my research about the references, add some  base materials to see how its looking. Im still looking forward with gold cause I dont like it a lot. 

if you have any feedback please let me know

Day 2, I decided to change some colors and make all the 3d model looks like and old Christmas Kombi

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