Eddie, the Lionheart
  Play by Play

Eddie, the Lionheart

Eddie the Lionheart hails from the country of Robonica, an alternate Universe where mechanical life forms took place of Humans, as King of Robonica it's in Eddie the Lionheart's name that the glory of Robotology will retake the holy land in the historical Robo-crusades, to defeat the robot devil and his nonbelievers.

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Update - 6 Oct 2020

Slept on my previous renders, and wasn't quite satisfied, so I went back changed a few things, cleaned up some sloppy areas and am now happy to present Eddie, The Lionheart.

Opacity maps to make the Chainmail look more realistic. If I was doing a personal project I would have modeled offsetting geometry inside the chainmail so it doesn't look so hollow. but according the contest rules no outside geometry is allowed.

Everything was done using mostly height maps in Substance painter. all hand painted. 

In my work I decided on trying to make futuristic robot look like he belonged in the past. I wanted to keep elements of both in my work. In this I came up with idea of making him a knight. But not a futuristic one, a knight that would look like he belonged in the crusades. From here I decided I would get my inspiration from Richard the Lionheart, (king of England). it was a fun challenge to try my best to make a robot look like he belonged in the crusades' (kind of). Melding ideas and art styles from these two times was definitely a fun learning experience, especially when only using substance painter with no added geometry. overall I'm happy with the way it turned out, and learned a lot of new methods I hope to apply to future projects. Given more time I think I could have experiment more with the eyes, but I entered the contest with only a few days left. Enjoy.

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Update - 6 Oct 2020

Final higher quality renders from the required Cam_Front, and Cam_3quarterLF. Enjoy.

Update - 6 Oct 2020

Added some more normal mapping, color balancing and final details. Inspired by Richard I The Lionheart. 

Update - 6 Oct 2020

Progress Update 2, Started adding normal/height mapping to add defining details to the model, as well as some color balancing and eye blockouts

Update - 6 Oct 2020

First post, blocking out the basic materials and design for Eddie