My Archviz Journey

My Archviz Journey

Konstantina Beratze
by konstantina on 30 May 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

Hello! I am a 24 year old Game Graphics Production student at Howest. Even though I love creating games, architecture and interior design have been my passion ever since I was a little girl. Combining my knowledge of 3D with my love for designing interior spaces, I am blessed to be able to create any scene I want!

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Project: S T R I P E S

My vision was to design a realistically sized apartment that would be targeted for couples that love to have a comfortable, cozy living that satisfies all their needs, but that's spacey enough for friends to come over and have a great time!

It was also a great opportunity to test Corona Renderer. I would love to know how to use a variety of renderers, as well as real time rendering. The more the better!


A visualization done for an online course for interior design that I am currently following. 

I focused on the design aspect, while trying out Corona Renderer for the first time.


A smaller project for my course Level Decoration. Goal was to create a realistic archviz scene in Unreal Engine 4. With this project I focused a lot in giving the viewer the feeling of just waking up in a peaceful room with a book by their side!


This was a personal project made in UE4. I wanted to try warmer colors and a different design than the ones I normally go for. 


A speed scene I made in UE4. The length of it was around 8 hours!

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