Temple of Roypt
  Play by Play

Temple of Roypt

Combining the lands of Egypt and Rome

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Update - 30 Mar 2020

Forbidden Lands, Fallen Empires and Ancient Guardians

Development                      Ancient Temple of Roypt


Egypt and Rome have a long history together. Ancient Egypt covers nearly 3000 years of history; ancient Rome, nearly 2000 if we take it all the way to the conquest of Constantinople in 1453.  However the rule occurred at different times, Egypt was a 1000-year-old empire when Rome was just a village, the Roman Empire was substantially larger than the Egyptian at its height, its armies larger, and its military techniques superior.

In which I decided to create a Middle land, most of the architectural forms know from the Roman world are also attested in Egypt, combining the architecture. 

Why a Temple?

As it is commonly known, religion was taken very seriously in the Ancient periods, to the point of sacrifices and death. Lives, cattle and land were given to the gods of the civilisations, purely to please and hopefully be rewarded. Buildings of worship were constructed for them, and we call them temples.

Concept Art

Doing simple sketches and combining the to creating something of a reference to next use for 3d Modelling

This was created in Maya 2019.

Egypt are known for beautiful symbols and drawings along walls, so I tried my best to resemble that.

Adding in details, vines, crooked stairs, brick work, missing stone path

Rending the scene, I'm currently learning how to texture photorealistic mod. Unfortunately unable to texture the mod

Lastly 360 Video Wireframe and non

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