Improvised Home Concept
  Play by Play

Improvised Home Concept

I am designing an abandoned transport vehicle that is being used as an improvised home/gang meet up point.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Update - 6 Jan 2020

Final In-Situ Painting.

Comments (4)

Update - 1 Jan 2020

After looking back at my thumbnails, I decided to go with a different composition as I thought it had better visual flow. 

Update - 1 Jan 2020

Some thumbnails for an in-situ painting.

Update - 28 Dec 2019

The above image shows the colour scheme I have decided on. I chose the lighter metal colour because it is reminiscent of the colour schemes used on a lot of steam train carriages in the 1920s, and I thought it stood out more.

Update - 20 Dec 2019

Some colour iterations. I also came up with a new name for the train (a lot of locations in Birmingham are called Heaths, which is where the inspiration came from). 

Update - 20 Dec 2019

I was considering what the function of the carriage would have been before it was abandoned. Usually, steam train carriages had a separate door for each passengers compartment. However, this was for first class/private compartments. Since 1919 was a time of economic difficulty, I thought that cheaper train tickets would need to be available, and so I have designed an economy class passenger carriage; the seats are cheaper, and as such far less luxurious. This will also be more adaptable for a live-in train carriage, as there will be no compartment walls to be knocked out. 

Update - 11 Dec 2019

I sketched over the 3D model I made to add details. 

Comments (4)

Update - 10 Dec 2019

I have created a basic model of the train carriage in Maya, which I can sketch on top of to experiment with additional design elements and colour schemes. I used my sketches and collection of reference images in creating this model. 

Update - 7 Dec 2019

I have been looking at train carriages from the time period to design something appropriate- next, I plan to add elements such as boards blocking the doors/windows, step ladders for easy access from the ground, and signs of the carriage being lived in. 

Update - 4 Dec 2019

For my contest entry, I have decided to create an abandoned transport vehicle that is being lived in/used as a gang meet up point. I have used photos of transport options appropriate to the era and setting of 'Peaky Blinders' for inspiration.

I sketched out a few ideas, using the reference photos I gathered as inspiration. Having reflected on my ideas I have decided to use the train carriage for my design. 

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