My Journey in Interior Design Diploma!

My Journey in Interior Design Diploma!

by Daania on 15 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Read my design process as I go through my semesters at The One Academy!

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Y1S3 - Streamlined Romance: Bungalow Design for Lewis Hamilton

3D Visualisations

Y2S1 - Embracing Paradigms: Retail Design for Louis Vuitton

3D Visualisations


Learning 3Ds Max for the first time

Retro-Play Locus: Workplace Design for Mattel, Inc.

Remember that depressing office we saw in the barbie movie? Here's my take of what a Mattel office would look like, not forgetting to add a sense of fun, play and a sprinkle of nostalgia.

Starting off with chosen client, Mattel

The big red company we all know and love for its iconic productions like Barbie, Hot Wheels, UNO, etc. filling up our childhood memories. When we were told that our project for this semester was to design an office for any company we’d like, Mattel was first to come to mind. I had been wanting to challenge myself with a design that required more expressiveness and Mattel ticked off all the boxes.

Concept Development

It was when I was doing my research that I stumbled upon a video featuring the designers at Mattel, and Vehicle Sculptor Manson C. mentioned that most of his work was pretty much play. Here on it was a no-brainer that I had to infuse play into all aspects of my designs, be it shape, colour or pattern, I had no excuse to hold back.

Spatial Planning

Keeping in mind that this is a professional workplace, I had to ensure a layout that optimizes productivity. I did this by placing the spaces that required utmost creativity and inspiration where it would receive the most consistent sunlight (the afternoon sun shines through the right-most side of the plan below). I also included generous space for collaborative work like the sunken lounge, the toy-evaluation space, the discussion room and design lab.

Material Selection

I’ve made sure to choose colour palettes that aligned with Mattel’s brand, starting off with the obvious red and expanding to its productions like blue & orange for Hot Wheels and pink for Barbie. I also included fun patterns that resonated with the retro theme like the checkered motif and playful terrazzo tiles. An additional material that contributed to the retro feel is the glass blocks! You can see how I applied these throughout the space in my final visuals below. 

3D Visualisations

Presentation Board

Ending Note

Thanks for giving my journey a read! Design subjects are tough but needless to say I had a lot of fun brainstorming ideas & modelling my visualizations! To more projects coming up soon 🥂

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