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UI/UX Project

UI/UX Project

by kasturikoli on 15 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Project 1: Haunted Hallows Project 2: Crumbs Project 3: Bon (Educational Toy & App) Project 4: Buddy

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Haunted Hallows is a groundbreaking augmented reality (AR) experience developed in collaboration with "Ghosts & Gravestones." This innovative project transforms Savannah's historic streets into an interactive game, blending the thrill of an escape room with the intrigue of a treasure hunt.

Participants leverage their smartphones to navigate the city, encountering captivating augmented reality elements interwoven with the chilling legends of Savannah's past. Haunted Hallows is a captivating adventure designed to enthrall history buffs, horror enthusiasts, and anyone seeking an unforgettable exploration of Savannah's haunted heritage.

Team Members: Kasturi Koli, Madhurika Ramesh, Trsna Bhatt

According to definition "CRUMBS" is referred to something small, a fragment of something or a feeling of surprise. But we are here to change it!

Introducing a shopping experience that not only takes care of your shopping needs but also brings you and your food closer to the community.

CRUMBS is a community where you can shop, share and experience food without having to worry about storage, food wastage or even deal with questions like Where can I buy that? or How can I cook that?

Team Members: Kasturi Koli, Tre Watkins, Yongkang Wu, Zelda Cheng

BON is an educational toy and app with the aim of recognizing and strengthening social-emotional skills for children aged 3-7yrs. The communication is made convenient with a toy that is connected to an app. It emphasizes of three levels of recognition, expression and management of emotions.

To create a community in which everyone can share or find information about the place of travel anywhere in the world.

Design question: How might we create a digital solution that makes planning as fun as the trip itself, while also providing decision-making support, fostering a sense of community, and boosting traveller's confidence?

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