Siggy Alden - Motion Graphics

Siggy Alden - Motion Graphics

Sigourney Alden
by Alden01 on 15 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Hi everyone here is my page where you can find many of my newest creations

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Welcome to my 2024 portfolio!

Hi everyone, i'm Siggy! This page will focus on my senior thesis, branding projects, immersive collaborations and demo reel! 

Senior Thesis

My Brain

This project is a mix of cinematography and 2d motion graphics that explores how it feels to be anxious and dealing with the struggle of self worth and creative block.  This concept is a direct representation of how I felt at one point in my schooling and how to overcome it. I use this film to help others who are going through a similar time. 


Big Bon Bodega 

This brand video focuses on the quality of Big Bon and the essence of their brand in an upbeat fast paced representation of the product. The concept for this promo was “Everything for you” playing on words with the everything bagel! 

Akira Kurosawa Brand Intro

These are frames for a title sequence about Akira Kurosawa, the famous Japanese filmmaker. Each frame is designed based on elements noticed within his artistic visions as well as him as a brand. For production I used only my DSLR and lighting manipulated the way I thought fit best.


Chroma A Fashion Runway Film 

Soliana Suyas Cuadrado came to me to create projections for her fashion collection. This collection was later chosen to be in SCAD's  Fashion Runway 2024. The video below highlights some of the projections I created as well as the collection itself!

Thanks for checking out my work!

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