Nuke compositing and art

Nuke compositing and art

Pablo Francisco Mielgo Saez
by Pablomielgos on 13 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Compositing of Las meninas in another perspective.

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Nuke compositing and art: Prado painting

Hello everyone! My name is Pablo Mielgo, and I'm currently a student at Lightbox Academy in Madrid, pursuing a master's degree in VFX.

Borges, in his book "The Aleph," writes about the concept of little spaces that concentrate the infinite in all its forms, and Velazquez depicted one. Such a mysterious piece of art.


Once all the roto and pieces were meticulously checked, it was time to bring everything together in the scene.

I began by placing the walls, followed by the 3D objects and lights. This technique I did with the same lines to refer to the exact point to connect with the scenario.


Referring to the original painting, I positioned the objects accordingly to add the sensation of depth.

Lights, colors, and camera movement were essential at this part.

I employed point lights on the left side of the room, then I graded the scene, adding a low key environment to match the baroque style of Velazquez.

The camera movement was planned to move through the scene and "escape" to the museum. So, the initial point began at the door and finished at the glass of the painting.

The glass was made with a material noise displacement in Nuke.

Final details, such as animations of the characters, were included to create a more sensation of “life inside the scene”.

This project was a beautiful journey for me, and I hope this article inspires you to embrace your wild ideas and bring your dreams to life on screen, because the infinite always emerges through the art of realizing ideas. Thank you for reading.

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