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Fia Rose Portfolio

Fia Rose Portfolio

Fia Rose
by schmookiebaby on 13 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

I love to create illustrations, character designs, fiber art, as well as direct and produce multimedia projects. Through these, I can experiment with a wide array of techniques for texturing and animating. I am originally from San Diego and I currently reside in Savannah, GA, where I am completing my Motion Media Desig

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"The Idiot" by Chalk Talk - Music Video

My senior project was to create a music video for my band Chalk Talk. By starting with live-action and transforming into a world of mixed media animation I hoped to do the song justice. There are over 600 pages of printed, drawn, and rescanned frames for the live action in the animation world, adding a tactile element. My friend Owen Shackleford helped me out with some awesome claymation for the perfect touch of a fun material.

Knitted StopMotion

My two biggest passions are motion graphics and fiber art. I've hand knit clothes for the past few years and I had been looking forward to taking my first machine knitting course at SCAD since enrollment. When I first joined I was learning all the basics of machine knitting like the photo on the right. Once I found out about Fair Isle technique my world was instantly changed. Fair Isle uses a roll of plastic with a grid on it. You hole punch your designs into the card and it pulls out a different color to make your design. I instantly knew what I would do for my final. Shatter the boundaries of my two passions. A knitted stop motion.

1st step: Figure out if this is even possible. Given the 5 weeks that I have, yarn prices, effort and technicality of making a knitted animation look good, I doubted myself.

2nd step: draw out the animation in grid format. I created a 27 x 30 grid on procreate for the animation.

3rd step: trace the frames onto the knitting cards

4th step: Hole punch the design. this is where my momentum slowed down... a lot. For these cards you have to use a single hole hand puncher. this is when I ended up breaking my pinkie finger in the process, and yet continued to hole punched day and night. Each frame was around 100 hole punches.

 5th step: Start knitting, go to the yarn store for more yarn, knit again, go to the store again.

6th step: Realize you have no idea how to photograph a textile animation. My dad has dope wood working skills so I sent him a sketch of a wooden camera stand with nails at the end so I could pull the knit taut capturing a even frame each time with the same camera distance. He made it and got it to me right away. #bestdadever

7th step: finish knitting and capture all your photos.

8th step: Use a machine called "The Linker", this basically crochets each frame together.

9th step: Pin the linked knitted strips to backing fabric.

10th step: Sew it all together.

11th step: Edit the stop motion together.

12th step: Honor your animation while wrapped in the animation blanket

Frog Skateboards Logo Resolve

Here is my bubbly digitally animated logo animation for the skate brand 'Frog Skateboards'. Using the logo, skateboard deck artwork, and clothing as inspiration, I believe this short little logo animation represents the brand in all its glory. A video by skateboarder Josh Mclaughlin was used for movement reference.

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