Xenon Revenge 20XX Project

Xenon Revenge 20XX Project

Project Xenon Revenge 20XX was conceived as a demo for a hypothetical remake of the game Xenon 2: Megablast, released back in 1998. For this group project, our focus was primarily on modernizing every aspect of the original title, which also required creating some concepts from scratch to address new 3D perspectives.

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Xenon Revenge 20XX Project

The project was created for a contest organized by Commodore and Skyup Academy, in which we ranked first. We had one month to create a trailer for the remake starting only from the idea of the original game.

Her's the full breakdown of the project

These are some brainstorming ideas, script, pureref and early blocking test we made during the preproduction.

And finally the last stage of the project, as you can see the modeling and eviroment parts were already in an advanced stage, so we focused on the rigging and lighting of the scene. The Boss Model was the last to be finisced and added to the scene, since we had to rigg it in full. The animation and vfx stage were already in Def points since we added them on the blocking.

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