Les Siestes Électroniques

Les Siestes Électroniques

luna perrier
by luneuses on 6 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Poster for a festival

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Round of applause for our sponsors

During this project, we were asked to create a poster to promote the autumn edition of the "Les Siestes Electroniques" festival. A festival dedicated to emerging cultures, whose programming was once focused on electronic music. Today, the music is much richer, sometimes even exuberant, always vibrant, and boldly embraces the diversity of genres.

This project connected Plastic Expression and Graphic Design. Initially, we were asked to conduct research and experimentation around themes linking electronic music, discovery, and nature, such as waves, cymatics, synesthesia, glitches...

Based on our experiments, we were tasked with creating a plastic installation, staging it in a setting, and photographing it to then produce a poster for the festival.I chose to work on the sound waves emitted by music, which I translated into drawings on acetate sheets. I then placed my structure in water to associate it with the waves generated by the movement of the water. The water reflects the structure like a mirror, making it impossible to distinguish between the installation and its reflection.

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