Blue Lunches

Blue Lunches

Yeng Madayag
by yengmadayag on 5 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

A friendly, blue Beni fits their way into a world of red and yellow people through fancy lunchboxes. Kait, a timid red person with a blue mark on her face, makes Beni confront their feelings on making blue food. This is my SVA Junior spring semester film.

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My SVA spring semester junior film from 2022 that I finished comping and painting backgrounds later on in 2024! I really didn't want to drop it entirely since it was all animated already.

Food in the film is fantastical, though heavily hinted in design to be east and southeast Asian. Receiving weird stares or ugly comments because of your food seems trivial to everybody else but you at the time. Many like me understand how this reaction has affected them deeply in their future years. How this is resolved within oneself varies widely. For me, making traditional food for someone I loved was what I needed.

Character Sheets and Prop Design

Some of my favorite stills!

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