2D Animation Reel

2D Animation Reel

Jeremias Alviz Montes
by jeremiasAlviz on 30 Apr 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

After finishing the basic 2D animation master's degree in Lightbox Academy, I have carried out these projects where I have been able to combine my audiovisual knowledge and my passion for animation in works to which I have dedicated a lot of time and love.

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This is my last project of the Master of 2D Animation Basic, where i did a Turnaround, jump, cyclewalking, lipsync and anticipation animation. The character has references of Dee Jay of "Street Fighter", Jann Lee of "Dead or Alive" and the iconic master Bruce Lee.

This lipsync has the audio of the movie "Fight Club" of the voiceover of Salvador Delgado. The proyect has mix with the underground world of rap music, the character is inspirating in the rapper J Cole, Miles Morales of "Spiderman into Spiderverse" and Sukuma´s vibes of "Jujutsu Kaisen".

This project shows a character inspirating in the parkour´s world jumping at skylines city. Is a sequence shot where the camera follows the movements of the character whose it is enhanced the dynamism of the sequence.

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