Psyche Synth VR

Psyche Synth VR

Yuna Zhai
by yzhai on 1 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

Your friend, Synee, whose psychological simulation system is malfunctioning, comes to you for help. In the VR game experience, figure out what's happened and help your friend.

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Round of applause for our sponsors

Hello, we are students from Ringling College of Art and Design Virtual Reality major. This is a VR game we made during the first semester of Junior year.

A teamwork VR game by Yuna Zhai, Nancy Wang, and Vanilope Tang.

Yuna Zhai takes charge of all of the 3D assets modeling, texture, environment design, character design, showcase layout, level design, and art direction.

Nancy Wang takes charge of all levels' key VR interaction blueprint,  level design, VR hand casting and gesture, and the level post-process design.

Vanilope Tang takes charge of all the User Interface, sublevel design,  menu interaction,  sound design and recording, and some customizable material.


Your friend, Synee, whose psychological simulation system is malfunctioning, comes to you for help.

It's not the first time Synee's system has broken down, but after checking its hardwares, you didn't find there was anything wrong, so you didn't take that seriously and advised Synee not to scare itself. However Synee's system has been having problems more and more frequently, so this time you decided to help it check what's going on seriously.

You let Synee connect a device that allows you to access deep within its program. Finally, this time you find something going wrong: The command system for language function is now a mess; the emotion simulator stuck at a very low level; and most importantly, the code for the storage that saved all the memories shows error, which distorted the memories. You know you must do something……

Key Interaction


Process View

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