First Aid VR

First Aid VR

by JasonZarrilli on 25 Apr 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

First Aid VR was a fall semester third year virtual reality development project. this project was tasked with the concept of creating a VR experience that benefits society. First Aid VR trains users on what to do incase of a heart attack, major bleed, narcotic overdose, and a stroke.

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First Aid VR was created as a way to train people in 4 emergencies that they are likely to encounter in their lifetime. Heart Attack, Major Bleeding, Overdose, and Stroke were the scenarios we decided to train the users through the first aid process for. The main goal was to help people feel more confident if they were to ever encounter a tragedy with either a loved one or complete stranger.  

Through our experience demoing this simulation most users were able to walk away feeling educated in basic first aid skills. This confidence that we can inspire in others can help ease those quick moments of panic that could be used to save someone's life. 

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