3D QR Pyramid

3D QR Pyramid

Edmund Chan
by edmundchan on 18 Apr 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

This is a 3D printed model which audience can interact with it. It is a school project about "Making It Real", which requires us to make an artefact connecting digital and physical world.

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Idea Generation

When I was younger, I was fascinated by the news about crop circles in all around the world. Some crop circles are so big that you wouldn't know what they are until you look at them from Bird's-eye view, and you will realise how amazing they look like. Those crop circles are so myterious that people can't understand what are the meaning behind the patterns.

The idea of "different perspectives" gives me an inspiration for this project. Then, I came up with an idea that is a 3D printed QR Pyramid model. Audiences won't realise it is a "QR code" from the side view, as the QR code has an uneven surface. Once they look it from the top-view and they can easily tell it is a QR code. More importantly, when you scan it with your mobile, it will navigate you to a webpage that let you choose the "weather" for the Pyramid.

Making It Real

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