Egyptian Robot Meetmat
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Egyptian Robot Meetmat

Having Egyptian roots, this Meetmat reflects my identity through the Ancient Egyptian civilization with a futuristic twist. As one of the 1st civilizations, this Meetmat is a bridge between the oldest & newest civilizations. It reflects the ancient civilization power, art, magic, language & beliefs in afterlife.

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Update - 2 Jan 2024

Last changes were the colors of the band around the head as well as the3 vest with metallic colors, famous in the ancient Egyptian art. Added some imperfections & sand all over the robot and golden arms with realistic scratches.

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Update - 31 Dec 2023

Adding  in this update the golden vest inspired by the Shen Ring which is an eagle like bird symbolizing protection & eternity. Hieroglyphic writing were added across the robot head & legs with height. The scarabs with wings are quite popular in the ancient Egyptian culture symbolizing renewal & transformation which reflects the idea of the robot.  They are emissive to show a magical power factor involved. Sand was added in the base with subtle dunes

Update - 30 Dec 2023

In this update, I added the steel material on the robot with discoloration to emphasize on the ancient look & feel. I have also added height & displacement details on the arms & belt in gold and around the head to add sophistication inspired by ancient Egyptian art & fashion.

Update - 29 Dec 2023

The first step was making sure the eye of Ra of the robot is emissive & the height is set. It's a magical eye so it won't be affected by any wear & tear added in the future stages. Then I added the linen wrapping on feet & hands to add a  ''mummy'' touch to the robot.

Update - 29 Dec 2023