Vincent LARCHER - 2022/2023

Vincent LARCHER - 2022/2023

by vincentlarcher on 1 Jun 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Hello there I'm Vincent and and I present to you my work of this year. Hope you will like it!

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TOWER 42 is my last project at school at 4 in 3 months. 

The objective of this project was to realise a teaser based on the concepts from the school's concept artists. Tower 42 is the adventure of human firefighters moving from planet to planet to rescue settlements scattered everywhere in the universe.

For this character I work on the armor and the helmet, I designed it so it can easily open.

 Lethal is a shortfilm realised in 5 months. This is the first project we worked on as a team since the end of last year.

A special agent breaches inside a house to eliminate a chemist working on biological weapons.

For this two characters I made the helmet/mask backpack and the bulletproof vest.

For the project shift I made the entire car. The shell, interior and the engine.

You can have access to my Artstation and Linkedin

I hope you liked my work an feel free to tell me what you think about it!

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