

Undisclosed is a short narrative-driven exploration game set in a steelworks factory in Poland, made by a small team of six college students at South Essex College with all the content present in the trailer being made in roughly a month.

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Eryk Stryczek (eyliess) - Programming, Level Design, Modelling, Project Management

Oliver Johnston (oliverjohnston7945) - Story, Level Design, Modelling, Project Management

Krystian Otomanski (krystianoto) - Level Design, Modelling

Logan Jumeau (loganjumeau) - Modelling

Julianne Wise (dauntless510) - Modelling

Toby Ridley (fusejet9) - Modelling

It was August in 1979 and a wife was being told her husband, a worker named Antoni at a steelworks plant, had tragically passed away in “a workplace accident” alongside his best friend and colleagues. It’s now 2019 and you play as a young woman named Lidia, the daughter of Antoni who’s looking into the death of her own father. Throughout the journey of Undisclosed you will find many journal entries belonging to your father, detailing the tragic events that took place within the short span of 14 days.

To do all this, you will use a robust object manipulation system to solve various puzzles, from finding codes on the underside of objects to breaking open a glass display case using any object in your vicinity by bashing or throwing it. Alongside this, Lidia has access to her phone, which allows you to take photos, look at previously found notes and even changing your wallpaper if you fancy.

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