Was It Worth It...?  - RIG.B Texturing Entry
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Was It Worth It...? - RIG.B Texturing Entry

Gary Matthew
by gsm on 20 Mar 2023 for Autodesk - RIG.B

My concept is to have the robot in a contemplative state reflecting on the past, after years of involvement in a destructive war. The world is left in ruin, and the robot has developed self-awareness and begins to wonder if it was all worth it…..

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Update - 10 Apr 2023


For the environment I wanted to keep it as simple as possible. I had wanted to model some props but felt it might detract from the RIG.B. In the end I chose an HDRI that would give me not only a good overall lighting setup but a backdrop that would help sell the concept I was after. I wanted RIG.B to be sitting in the aftermath of battle reflecting on what had happened and questioning whether it was all worth it. I utilized a displacement texture map for the ground plane which added to the overall look of the image.


A three-point light setup to focus on RIG.B and let the background be just that, in the back, to help set the scene and give some context. I didn’t want any strong colours, just a warm glow over RIG.B. I also added some atmosphere in the background which I felt added to the scene and helped to separate RIG.B from the background and give the image some depth. I also added a specific light to help with the atmosphere lighting.

Post Processing

There was minimal post processing done, just some levels lightening, a touch of colour warmth and a vignette were added to the final images. 

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Update - 8 Apr 2023

This is my first contest, and I have become aware that I need to work on my updates…

 Initially I had a tough time selecting the colour scheme for the RIG.B. I went through a few changes but was still undecided. Then one evening I was re-watching Oats Studios and watched the episode ‘Adam’ and saw a colour scheme I thought would work. Inspiration comes from everywhere...

I spent quite a bit of time in Substance Painter trying to get the RIG.B the way I wanted it to look. I wanted it to reflect the aftermath, reflection, solitude. RIG.B had to be battle worn; not destroyed, and covered with lots of dust, indicating that it had been sitting for a while questioning and contemplating.

My materials were simple, a metal base with dirt and grime to show it’s a well worn and used robot. A main body colour - red, with blue accents. I added a leather material to the pouch, black rubber to the hoses and black paint to the hydraulic cylinders with chrome on the rods. There is also some blue alloy metal to the thrusters on the back.

I spent time trying to augment the edge wear generated by Substance with little touches of added distress in places where I felt the auto generation needed help. ….but, I recognise at some point you have to stop and move on.

Trial and error

On my first export form Substance into Maya, there were some aspects of the model I didn’t like. For example some of the panel colours needed to be changed, and I also had to tweak the roughness settings and re-export my textures. After some revisions I was happy with the export.

This is the final texture and I am happy with how it turned out. I am, especially happy with the dirt and dust layer as it was my first attempt doing this.

I am currently working on my final renders and will upload them as soon as they are complete.

Update - 20 Mar 2023

So I’ve talked myself into entering a Rookies contest for the first time. I am a bit late to the game but I aim to give it my best shot. I enjoy modeling, texturing and lighting so I thought this would be a good way to encourage myself to keep learning.

I downloaded the files of the RIG.B and my first thought was to make this piece be about reflection… trying to convey the robot having some awareness and sense of contemplation. The film Bumblebee came to mind and I thought about how the character’s personality really made him endearing and lovable. The idea sounds simple, but the challenge I face is trying to express emotion on a robot without any human facial features, and with a still image. But I love a challenge!!!

I always like to start new projects by collecting references to help with my conceptual ideas, from the potential reflective pose to material states of rust and the possible idea of a desolate background environment. 

I have made an initial attempt of using colour to establish my vision for my materials and I plan to spend more time further refining the materials and textures.