Repeater Roulette

Repeater Roulette

Average Soup
by AverageSoup on 30 May 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

Repeater Roulette is a First-Person Roguelike Shooter set in an alternate dystopian timeline.

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Repeater Roulette is a First-Person Roguelike Shooter set in an alternate dystopian timeline. Within a seemingly abandoned 1920s casino owned by a mad scientist billionaire, the player must fight their way through various floors using their newly acquired weapon; their gun which has been gruesomely grafted to their arm.

No playthrough will be the same with procedurally generated rooms and randomised deals where the player can gamble to upgrade. Players will be able to create outlandish combinations, stacking various upgrades to create a unique weapon and player experience.

We are a team of students at Falmouth University. We started full development in September 2021 and have an abundance of passion for this project. We have all fallen in love with this title and want to continue working on this after we have finished our final year at the end of May 2022. We have some ambitious plans for this game, but we believe that our team has the talent and skills to pull it off.  

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